You can manage your government affairs in the Caribbean Netherlands online via MijnCN. Your account enables you to view your data, to manage your affairs or to authorise a person to do this for you. Your personal data will be properly protected.
Social Affairs and Employment (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) and the Tax Office Caribbean Netherlands (Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland) are currently using MijnCN. In due course, its use will be extended to more public services.
MijnCN: easy, secure and quick
Your account in MijnCN is kept safe and secure in multiple ways. In addition to the standard protection with username (your e-mail address) and password, 2-Factor Authentication is also used. You will then not use one but two keys to open the lock to your account.
You must also verify your identity with a single-use verification code. Read more about the secure creation of your account here.
What else can you do to keep your account safe and secure?
Several tips:
- Choose a complicated password with at least 8 characters, 1x uppercase letter, 1x number and 1x special character (!@#$%^&*())
- Choose a unique password which you do not use anywhere else
- NEVER share your username and password with others
- Do not use open WiFi networks
- Keep your computer safe and secure by performing updates and using virus scanners regularly
Is someone misusing your data or do you have doubts about the security of your account? Then please contact the MijnCN helpdesk. Please note: MijnCN staff will never ask for your login details.